Introduction to Making Changes to MFA
For Students: Please visit the MFA Setup for Student Email on Microsoft 365 article and navigate to the How to Add and Edit MFA Options section.
Looking to add more MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) options for your Microsoft 365 account? This can be accomplished in the Security Info area of your account and it is overall recommended to have more than one MFA option available for verification. Setting up the Microsoft Authenticator app is the most secure and reliable option and recommended as the default. Check out the instructions further below to access more MFA options and make changes to your existing settings.
Please note that if you access your email, Microsoft 365 products, or use programs that require verification at home, it is NOT recommended to only use the Office Phone MFA option as you will not be able to authenticate while away from the location of that phone.
Looking for general information, instructions on how to initially add MFA options, or need assistance troubleshooting an error? Please see the articles below for assistance. Students enrolled into MFA should visit the link at the top of this article. Here are the other articles available about MFA for Microsoft 365:
- For general information and tips about MFA, check out the How to Setup MFA for Microsoft 365 article.
- Running into a problem or error message setting up MFA? Check out the Troubleshooting MFA for Microsoft 365 article for known issues and how to work around them.
- For initially setting up a MFA option, check out these setup guides for the methods available:
How to Add and Edit MFA
Access the Security Info area in your Microsoft 365 account.
Note: At least one MFA should already be setup before you can access Security Info from within your Microsoft 365 account. Refer to the MFA for Microsoft 365 Setup instructions above for initial setup. You may also have success reaching the Security Info area directly by visiting
1. If you are not already, begin by logging in to your Microsoft 365 account (EFSC Email Address) and confirm the MFA method you already have setup. Locate and click your initials or profile picture in the top right corner.

2. Under your name and email address, click on the View account link.

3. Next, locate Security info and then click Update Info. You can also click Security info in the left navigation menu.

4. You should now be in the Security Info area of your account. Near the top you will notice what your default sign-in (MFA) method is with a Change link to choose a different one. The Microsoft Authenticator app option is always preferred.

5. Listed below will be the current MFA options that are enabled for your account. Click the +Add sign-in method button to start adding another option you’d like to have available.

6. After clicking the +Add sign-in method button, click the Choose a method dropdown button and then select the option you want to add to your account. From here you will be prompted to enter the appropriate information to setup these options. For specific information on how each of these options work, refer to the appropriate MFA for Microsoft 365 Setup instructions for that method near the top of this article.
Note: Methods available may change over time.

7. To delete an MFA method from your account, locate the Delete link to the right of each option. You may also see a Change link if you want to edit the option, such as a different phone number.

8. You will receive a confirmation if you want to proceed with deleting an MFA option.
Note: Deleting all MFA methods from your account when MFA is required is not recommended. The next time you log in you will be prompted to setup MFA methods again.

9. Near the bottom of this Security Info area, under your MFA options, you will see a link to Sign out everywhere if you do happen to lose your device. If you can sign into your Microsoft 365 account or are already signed in, you may be able to access this option to sign out of all your accounts to protect it for the time being due to a lost device.

For further assistance, questions, or concerns, please either create a ticket or call the IT Support Desk at 321-433-7600, open 7am to midnight, 7 days a week. After accessing myEFSC, the Open an IT Ticket button can be found in the IT Support section, typically found near the bottom of the page.
When creating a ticket, select the Email, Teams & Calendaring category, followed by the appropriate Email Assistance service to submit a ticket. Please include an alternative contact method (if you cannot access your email). Include details, error messages, and provide screenshots if possible of the steps you have taken so we may further assist you.