
Listed below are the common reasons why a course may not be accessible in your Canvas account. General questions about when courses will be available should be directed to the instructor and any concerns regarding completion of course work by due dates.
Note: The Canvas Orientation (PLT-6007) must be completed before you will have complete access to your course(s). While a course may be viewed before the orientation is finished, in order to submit assignments, participate in discussions, and appear in an instructor’s grade book, the orientation will need to be completed first.
For clarification or if none of the following apply, please open an IT ticket or call the IT Support Desk at 321-433-7600, open 7am to midnight, 7 days a week.
Registration for the course(s) occurred within the last 24 hours
Courses that are added to a schedule will not appear upon registration, often it will be the following day until the course can be viewed. This may take up to 24 hours before a course will appear in the Canvas account yet could be accessible in the morning hours the day after registration. Due to this being a routine system process, courses cannot be manually added to a Canvas account upon request.
The course is part of a minimester that has not started
Minimester courses are published by the instructors closer to the first day of class. If you are not sure if your course is in a minimester, check your course schedule for details. Most minimester courses will have a section number of 20Z, 21Z, or 22Z. For further assistance, please contact Admissions or contact the instructor.
The course has not been published by the instructor
Courses generally will not be available until the first day of the term. You can confirm this by logging into your Canvas account, clicking on the Courses button on the left, and then click on the All Courses link. Here you will see a list of your courses. If a course says “No” under the Published column, the instructor has not published a course for students to view yet.

Instructor may not have a Canvas course setup
Some instructors may not be currently using Canvas, which occasionally occurs for courses that meet in person and do not have an online component. To confirm if your course will be utilizing Canvas, check with your instructor
New students and upcoming semester courses have not been uploaded
New Canvas students and courses are generally loaded by the system admin closer to the beginning of the term. Check back within a few weeks before the start of the term and you should be able to access Canvas.
Course is not showing on the Dashboard but can be viewed under All Courses
A course may be available to access but might not be on the Dashboard. The All Courses page displays every course on your account, regardless if it is published yet or not. After logging into Canvas, click on the Courses button on the left then click the All Courses link. This will show the full course list on your Canvas account. If you see a course that is published but does not display on your Dashboard, check to see if there is a star icon to the left of the course that can be selected. Once the star icon is filled (will appear yellow/gold), then the course should then appear on the Dashboard.