Canvas: Missing Course on Dashboard
If you are registered for a course and you do not see your course on your Dashboard in Canvas, there is another route to find your course and add it to your Dashboard.
- While logged in to your Canvas account, click on the Courses button on the left side of the page.

- On this new Courses panel, click on the link for All Courses. You may also notice here the course that is not on your Dashboard.

- The All Courses page should show the list of courses you are or will be taking in the near future. As long as you are registered for the course you need to access, you should be able to find the course on this page.

- Locate the course that you want to add to the Dashboard and to the immediate left of the course link there should be a star icon. Click this icon and it should fill in to become a gold/yellow star. This means that the course is now a “favorite” and now should appear on the Dashboard. In some cases, a course may not have a filled in gold star but will already show on the Dashboard. If a course already has a gold star, but does not show on the Dashboard, you may try clicking on the star icon so it is blank and then click on it again to fill it once more. Please note that if the course is showing "No" under the Published column then the star icon cannot be toggled. Contact the instructor of the course in that case to find out when it is expected the course will be published.

Not seeing the course in All Courses or the Dashboard? Please contact your instructor regarding the status of the course in Canvas. You may also try contacting Admissions or access your TitanWeb account to check on the registration status of the course. If you are in a non-credit, continuing education course or program, please check with the contact or coordinator of the program who helps with student enrollment to these specific courses.
For further assistance, please call the IT Support Desk at 321-433-7600, open 7am to midnight, 7 days a week.