Past courses that display on your Canvas account can be hidden so they do not display on the Dashboard. An instructor may have a course still open under certain circumstances, which is generally the reason why a course from a previous semester is showing up on the Dashboard. Removing a course from the Dashboard only takes a few steps.
1. After logging into your Canvas account, click on the Courses button.

2. Click on the link for All Courses.

3. Find the course you would like to remove from the Dashboard. You should see a gold/yellow Star icon to the left of the course.

4. Click the Star icon to toggle the course off as a “favorite course”. The star icon should not be filled now. Return to the Dashboard and you should see the course is no longer displayed.

For further assistance, please submit an IT ticket. While in your Canvas account, click on the Help (?) button, and then click the link to Report a problem.
Alternatively, the ticket can be submitted by logging into your myEFSC account and clicking the Open an IT Ticket in the IT Support section. Submit the ticket under the Student Applications category and Canvas service option. Please list the course(s) that are displaying on your account in the ticket.
For questions or concerns, please call the IT Support Desk at 321-433-7600, open 7am to midnight, 7 days a week.